Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pink Eye

Leslie goes to school this morning rode the bus ! it has started up again!! yeah! the only down side is getting up at 6:25 instead of 7:00 oh well .
so about 9:15 the school calls to say that Leslie has pink eye! ( in all the years she was at the CDC and the past few years of school she has never had it just about 9 years!) so as I am driving to the school calling the appt line (cant drive and talk on the phone at the same time) to them saying there are no appt today and they will see if the DR. will call in the eye drops! She did! school says that she needs to be home for 24 hours after getting the first drop in her eye so that would mean that she would be back at school about 1ish oh but school gets over at 1:15 on Weds! so two days off for Leslie! she is so happy about it, sleeping in (she likes that the most), after school was over we went back and pick up home work and the class work for today and tomorrow!

Emily was happy to have sister home from school! on Tus. she has a play group with some kids from church, so we went to that, left Leslie home with Dad, when it was time to go home Emily go so upset! she loves to play with her friends. and when we got home and had lunch I was able to get the eye drops for Leslie with out the girls so nice! I did get a few text messages from Brad! well video's from him hit the play button and the noise that came form it made me jump! Emily can hit the HI notes!

1 comment:

Amy Lovell said...

I've never had pink eye, but I can only imagine it's not fun. Poor girl!