So I asked the girls what they would like there birthday party's to be.
Leslie said that she wanted a 'spy" birthday party. so looked up idea's online, copied them now have 22 pages to read to plan a party . My favorite one was a James Bond themed one! not quite sure if its for a almost 11 Year Old! one of the ideas was to make Id badges take a pic when they come in and at the end give it to them with the goodie bags! I know that her birthday is not tell Jan 12. but with Christmas 3 weeks before and Emily's birthday 4 days after Christmas Ineed to plan and order things now!
Emily after her Birthday last year wanted a Ladybug party! she is turning 5 this year! so we are looking at cakes and cupcakes I might be able to make the cupcakes but the cakes we saw and liked now way could I do, going to check out cake shops and see how much a cool ladybug cake would be.
I fell like I am behind in the Christmas shopping! for the last two years I have been done with most of the gift getting, it also helped that brad was deployed and came home about this time so the extra money helped alot! This year Leslie Mom is now at the same base we are at and it's her year for Christmas with Leslie so we are not too sure how it will work out, we have kinda talked about us having her Christmas eve and her Mom having her Christmas day, but not real sure what's going on yet! I would like to know before the end of OCT. but I am sure that is not going to be everyone plan.